Monday, January 25, 2010

In Just & Because I could not stop for death poems

I read these poems over the weekend and I had a lot of difficulty trying to figure out their interpretations. The first one by E.E. Cummings made absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. He makes up his own words, such as mud-luscious and puddle-wonderful. He also uses the word wee several times, mostly saying far and wee. This confused me a lot because I thought wee meant little, or harmless. But in this poem, he makes it sound like it means wide, such as far and wide. So, needless to say, I really did not enjoy this poem at all.
The other one by Emily Dickinson was a little better to read. She uses a lot of dashes at the end of her lines, which I found to be pretty cool. It chops up the poem, but I think it gives it a pretty good rhythm.

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